Coming Out- its just setting the right expectation!

What is Coming Out & why do people need to come out?

Coming out is a life long process where an individual or entity shares a certain aspect about them which was earlier assumed to be different. Okay that’s too technical 😛

Coming Out is mostly used in the context to sharing of “sexual orientation” or “gender identity” by LGBT+ community members. A lot many times I am faced with the question “why do people need to come out?” 


So have you ever been in  a place where something was expected of you ?

  • something you didnt sign up for!
  • something the other person assumed without even consulting you.
  • something was “right/normal” from their perspective without know you.

Basically an expectation you cannot deliver to. What do you do?

You fix that problem of incorrect expectation so you avoid disappointments.

Coming out is just that, setting the expectation right!

Its no different when someone assumes you are non/vegetarian & then you go ahead & correct them that you are vegetarian/non-vegetarian.

Have you faced this question. “Oh, you are really from xdscfsvv, you don’t look/sound/act/dress like that?” Yeah it happens all the time, incorrect assumptions & how do we fix that, smile & provide correct information.

So if its such a commonplace thing, why is it such a big deal for LGBTs to come out?

Because aspects of sexuality/gender decides certain things in ones life, like-

  • Whom do you marry?
  • Which restroom you use?
  • How you dress?

All of the above in safe environments, in unfriendly places it also decides:

  • Will you be abandoned by your parents?
  • Bullied/harassed/beaten up at school/university/work?
  • Get shock therapy for cure? Corrective rape?
  • Get thrown from top of buildings/beheaded?

Now you see, it kinda big deal!

So the next time you wonder “why do people need to come out?”, maybe just look at your “expectations”. Don’t assume, ask!


PC: All images linked to their source.

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